Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Results


Well I think everyone can feel it, spring is so close! I love winter but after the cold temperatures we have had I am beyond excited for sunshine and flip flops.

I haven’t had much time lately to play in the kitchen so unfortunately I don’t have any new recipes for you to try or hear about, BUT I did recently go see my natural path! With all the research and blogging about a higher fat diet I wanted to make sure for myself it was not having a negative impact on my health. So I decided to get some blood work done to find out.  The results say…. 


My overall cholesterol is great. LDL levels also known as “bad cholesterol,” are low, and my HDL levels or “good cholesterol” and triglycerides are all within a normal range. I have been consuming a higher fat diet for the last three months and after doing these tests in addition to how I have been feeling, I am convinced that increasing these healthy fats is only going to and will increase my health. 

But don’t take my word for it do some experimenting yourself and listen to your body, it is pretty cool what happens when you do.

Enjoy the sunshine everyone and don't forget to celebrate the little success's, i.e. completely the Crossfit Open Wod 15.3 and not being able to walk for days!!! I think I needed some post workout protein.