Friday 18 September 2015


Homemade Granola!

Nothing beats the ease and convenience of a batch of yummy granola. Its the perfect pick me up snack that you can eat plain or with a variety of different foods. This recipe packs in a lot of healthy fats including nuts, seeds as well as a staple in most of my creations, coconut oil! 

You can be creative too and try different dried fruit each time you make a batch. This time I tried some dried blueberries, but watch how much you use because dried fruit in general is significantly higher in sugar then fresh fruit.  

1 cup of nut of your choice (macadamia nuts)
1 cup of another nut of your choice (almonds)
1/4 cup of sunflower seeds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/4 flax seeds
1/4 coconut flakes (unsweetened)
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/8-1/4 cup of honey
1 tsp vanilla or almond extract
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup of dried fruit of your choice

Chop up all nuts in seeds or use a food processor to mix ingredients together. Heat a pan on the stove and melt the coconut oil, honey and vanilla together then pour over the nut mixture to coat.

Bake at 300 degrees F for 15 minutes, stir and let bake for another 10-15 minutes or until desired browning. Remove from oven and sprinkle with sea salt and add your dried fruit and let cool, then ENJOY!!!!

Also on a side note, don't forget to slide by Crossfit Mozomo if your in the Collingwood area for the WeLift Competition and the Grand Re-Opening going on all day tomorrow (Saturday)!

HApPy WEekeNd and Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow!!!